What is Sweatcoin

Sweatcoin is a free mobile app that tracks daily steps and rewards activity with next generation currency. Simply put, your steps are converted into sweatcoin virtual money, which you can then convert into the new SWEAT cryptocurrency.

Sweatcoin (sweat – sweat, coin – coin) is a fitness application based in the UK. The idea of ​​Sweatcoin involves paying for the distance traveled by the user with a special cryptocurrency – sweatcoins (Sweatcoin).

SWEAT is built on NEAR, a low-cost, high-speed, and green blockchain.

Earn 1 SWEAT for every sweet coin you receive in the store. This 1:1 ratio will never happen again!!! 🔥

How much is 1 sweatcoin worth now?

At the time of publication of this article, the cryptocurrency of the Sweatcoin app is worth about $0.05, although this figure is subject to change by the project team. With app coins, you can buy any product at a discount. The same goes for buying groceries with Sweatcoin.

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